Wednesday, September 27, 2006

my days have been outnumbered. Due to the fasting month i have been confined to the perimeter of my house.Thanks mum.I have been forced to resigned my fate to daily housechores, night prayers, fasting(of course),cleaning and cooking for everyone. Yes, true to itself I am officially the maid of the month.

It's definately far off compared to the usual me.NO TOUCH,NO TRAININGS!NO LATE NIGHTS!I just keep telling myself that I only have to go through this temporary setting till after Raya. Thanks mum. Well if u asked me, it's better than nothing. For a while, mummy dearest have been keeping her part of the bargain therefore i have to keep my end of the bargain.

A big occasion coming up soon. I'm trying to plan a dinner for Hafiz's birthday.So far, not so good.Considering that he doesn't read my blog,I could tell everyone the big plan i have so far. Which is none.I only have a guest list that is if everyone decides to come.Hmm..I'm clueless and everyone knows that I'm bad at organizing stuff.

let's just hope and pray for the best.Keeping fingers crossed.**

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I should've just shoot myself for doing what I did. Couldn't believe it could happen but it did.The one thing i've always wanted to tell but given the chance, I caved.

Thank god exams are over.Everything has suddenly become slow.Even waking wake up is like a miracle.I have decided to soak myself in life's miracles. Like how u sleep through the dark and waking up with the sun shining on your face.I feel the need to slow down a little unfortunately not everything is on my side.

I discovered that i'm becoming more fragile.I use to be very aggressive and god knows i was going places.These days i just go with the flow,I stop checking my mobile to see if i have missed calls or messages when it doesn't ring.It scares the hell out of me when someone asks me out on a date because i never get nervous around guys(they are the next best thing to tampons;for me!).

Safe to say..I have stopped caring. Stop caring about the big things in life. I pay attention to details. Like having chats with mum in the middle of the nite when we can't sleep. Taking extra care of the house so mum knows i cleaned it.Like stop depending on my buddies to chill out because i know they need to spend time doing their own stuff.

At some point, people have to learn to care and pay attention to details.Not everything is about us.When you slow down you see the world and your life clearly. U then begin to appreciate the finer things in life.Things that you never knew you had or things you never knew you could do.
That's the best feeling you could feel. Cheers!