Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Post Mortem - The aftermath.

Yesterday was a series of blunders and probably the worst feeling i had to go through during a game. It didn't help that I was a bit under the weather. And of course, as much as we hate to deny it there was complancency. Regardless the win and the scoreline, I wasnt as much into the game as the one against RP. I guess the sick-bug and exhaustion is starting to kick in.

Nonetheless, I was happy that he came down to watch the game and sweet enough to take me out to dinner. Nothing special yet it lifted my spirits. That's the very same reason why I am blessed and thankful to have him. I suppose there's a very rational explanation to all that has happen. He is my beautiful disaster..Thanks for keeping me warm on a very cold day.

I just pray i dont fall sick. But i'm dying to get MC.I just want him to take me to clinic and treat me like a sick person. I'm just greedy for more TLC i guess. selfish but I hv to.period.

3 Down, 2 more to Go. counting down to the Big day ...1 day to go.