Sunday, October 15, 2006

this is hard but someone shared some light abt the latest at training.As much as i find it hard to accept, I am not trying to deny the very fact that I will miss out on the prestigious IPs again. I suppose i had it coming. It's a choice that i made when my mother laid down her rules. For the whole month. I'm starting to go insane but it's really not that bad i suppose. Maybe she just wants to instill some sort of discipline in me and most of the time I just enjoy my life rebelliously but under this circumstance I could not say no to her.She is afterall, my mother.

But on a positive note life will be back to normal as soon fasting ends.How much do I hate life now? Very much. How much will I live to regret missing out? Forever. When you work so hard for something just to know you'll never get it, pretty much your whole system crumbles. But when you're just numb to so many setbacks you know how to handle it.It gets easy after awhile.

Cheers to counting down the days to absolute freedom and being caged up all day. Cheers to the new school semester..