Ridiculous pics of me, Hafiz and Gf at Sakae sushi
i didnt plan to get all shagged out from going swimming yesterday and doing house chores today. I did the unthinkable this morning...I ditch aidil to say i was nt feeling well..these days i feel totally deprive of sleep...i think i've spent too many nights awake and out of bed,staring at the laptop and surfing the net. I've been doing some catching up with old pals see how they're doing.Strangely,I miss being in Hafiz's company...my friend and confidante. He's back in school,I'm just so proud of him..I suppose he'll have less time for us to hangout now becos he has to juggle school,gf and other stuff.
Something funny happened yesterday,a series of unforseen events.SOmehow one thing lead to another and i pretty much think that i have made a guy smitten and fall for me..It's quite amusing actually considering all this while we've just been chatting on msn.The more i try to run away from all this love antics the more it comes to me..I'm just happy that i still have friends to keep grounded..
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